Nameless, faceless, abandoned for 13-years: Letter from Guantánamo, April 2020

'We are nameless, faceless and are reduced to a "serial number" as if we were a hardware and no longer humans. I am Asadullah Haroon, an Afghan citizen from Nangarhar. My wife waits every year for the news that her husband comes home. My infant baby, Mariam, is now a teenager.'

Our Dog-Eat-Dog World of Capitalist Xenophobes and Islamophobes cultivating Fear and Dissension

Can a human being die of a broken heart? Was the Angel of Justice a "friend of God"? To what purpose do governments blatantly inundate us with fear, ensuring division and unjustifiable resentment? Why does Ayn Rand's "philosophy of objectivism" still influence many influential people worldwide?