POLITICAL ANALYSIS: Boris Johnson is out. But his ugly brand of politics will go on!

Absolutely agree with Peter Oborne’s analysis of what the British public can expect. Ultimately nothing will change for the welfare and support of the people. The UK government is not, and never was, ruled by and for its people.

The UK will most certainly not turn the page on its ugly racist islamophobic and xenophobic policies. There will be no end to the egregiously overreaching bills in the process of being pushed into “laws” intended to eradicate #HumanRights and targeted to criminalize our fundamental #HumanRights. Because it is the imperial white plutocratic corporatocratic elitists, whose white privilege of superiority and deep pockets to purchase, bribe and blackmail any and all integrity of the Conservatives, who run the UK government.

There will be no-about-face on Brexit. Brexshit is the predominant motive to end adhering to the European Union’s foreign and domestic policies and crush all pretense of #democracy, shred inalienable #HumanRights and remorselessly join in US empire’s warmongering agenda as its imperial minion to aid and abet empire’s relentless #WarCrimes and #CrimesAgainstHumanity objectives domestically and globally for global domination.

As the British #HumanRights organisation Liberty concisely stated today: “The Government is in a state of disarray – but don’t let that fool you.
The personnel may be changing but the core of its agenda remains the same. It still aims to rip up our Human Rights Act by passing the disastrous Rights Removal Bill. It still wants to restrict our right to protest even further with the Public Order Bill.
The threat to our rights remains and we must stay vigilant.
A lot has changed in the last 48 hours, but Liberty’s mission hasn’t. We stand against the Government’s rights-destroying agenda.”

| truthaholics

Boris Johnson is out. But his ugly brand of politics will go on | Peter Oborne | MiddleEastEye | 7 July 2022

The next Tory leader will almost certainly pursue the same policies as Johnson

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson makes a statement outside 10 Downing Street in central London on July 7, 2022 (AFP)

There was relief and exultation today that Boris Johnson’s sordid premiership has ended.

Wholly understandable.

But I have sombre news for those who expect change. It’s most unlikely. The next Tory leader will almost certainly pursue the same policies as Johnson.

Johnson was brought down because of his greed, venality, abuse of power and habitual deceit 

On Brexit. On civil liberties. On the Human Rights Act. The same English nationalism and cheap, ugly, vicious populism.

Remember that Johnson was not brought down because of his policies. These were popular among Tory members, many of whom…

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‘Leading human rights groups’ – “Discussing” israel’s “APARTHEID” in PALESTINE🇵🇸

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VZs6F9MBgGo&feature=youtu.be "Leading human rights groups discuss apartheid in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories." Well. Hallelujah! Only, what, 74+yrs and counting overdue! The most irritating point that is perhaps deliberately ignored in the 74+years and counting of illegal occupation and oppression by the Ashkenazi zionist terrorists is the fact that their existence on the stolen … Continue reading ‘Leading human rights groups’ – “Discussing” israel’s “APARTHEID” in PALESTINE🇵🇸

Pegasus’ NSO “7” aka Q Cyber Technologies, et al

NSO Group Technologies Ltd. - which also goes by Q Cyber Technologies - (private company) - Developers and owners of notoriously controversial Spyware "PEGASUS": Founded in 2010 by Niv Carmi, Omri Lavie, and Shalev Hulio, ie Company name "NSO" - based on first name initials (Niv Carmi allegedly quit company in initial stages of development). … Continue reading Pegasus’ NSO “7” aka Q Cyber Technologies, et al

Words are cheap: Palestine abandoned by international leaders for over 73 years

| War Crimes International

Maybe it was the word “shit” or maybe the comment was too long or maybe YouTube just didn’t appreciate the truth. Whatever the reason, and it’s certainly not for the first time, the comment below for this TRT World video refused to publish. However, until online surveillance suppresses this blog, might as well use it as a comment section:

Yet, most, if not all, of these nations have stood by and done absolutely nothing to help end the terrorist criminal apartheid regime called “Israel” for the past 73 years. The systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians goes back to the Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916. It was followed by the British Balfour Declaration 1917, initiating the Zionists’ illegal entitlement to invade Palestine in 1947, creating the relentless unending Nakba Palestinians live in 24/7 for the past 73 years.

As a matter of fact, a number of these nations “condemning” Israel’s unprecedented violence and…

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#QuestionIt: 3 Logical Fact-Based Issues To Consider Before Getting The #COVID-19 #Vaccine!

| truthaholics

| Waking Times | 21 Dec 2020

While the media resorts to accusing people of being “anti-vaxxers,” for not wanting to take a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine, and some have gone so far as to even associate dissenters with being “anti-Semitic,” there are actually 3 very logical fact-based reasons why we should question the safety of a coronavirus vaccine.

1) History Shows That Fast Tracking a Vaccine Can Be Dangerous & Even Deadly

Multiple experts, including those who themselves actually administer vaccines, agree that fast-tracking a vaccine can be very dangerous.

According to immunologist and deputy editor of the journalScience Advances,Dr. Douglas J. Green, fast-tracking a vaccine could potentially be “catastrophic” and should not be rushed. He cites an example from 1966, in which two children actually died from…

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Inconceivable envy, malice and egocentric fear of arrest – Dr Amjad Mohammed Khan set up ex-wife Dr Aafia Siddiqui’s abduction 31 March 2003

There were actually more public signs that Khan (who bitterly denounced his former wife earlier this year (ie 2010) as a violent jihadist) was associated with radical Islam than Aafia.

The lesser of two evils: Michelle Obama speaks convincingly to America about “empathy” & “cold hard truth” – a trait & honesty alien to warmongers Barack Obama & Donald Trump

Indisputable, Barack Obama betrayed the Black American population as every other president in US history, including Lincoln. And Barack Obama is without question a War Criminal.

#Dictators #Truth2Power vs #Scholars4Dollars: #Scholars that led #Revolutions! #SunnahOfLeadership

The importance of disseminating truth can never be overestimated. In fact in our narcissistic, materialistic, technocratic, warmongering and neoliberal world, it’s more urgent than ever, if we don’t want to lose our humanity. That which made us in the image of God.
‘Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem’ – ‘In the name of God, the Merciful, the Beneficent.’

It’s simultaneously disheartening and heartening to read these crucial and compelling articles that mince no words exposing the fact that, disappointingly and sadly since the Prophet’s death, the Ummah have allowed themselves to be manipulated through relentless fear, and promises of coveted rewards, to betray their brothers and sisters, by totalitarian oppressors, who exploited human greed and inundated persistent human fear thousands of years ago as they do to this day, to deviate from the Hadith, which was as fundamental, as divine, to complement the Quran, God’s words and messages to us, over two thousand years ago as it is today.

Reading and reciting the Quran and praying five times a day, a faithful righteous Muslim does not make. It’s mere superficial posturing if it is not followed up and backed up in actions by the righteous beliefs, sayings and messages of the Prophet painstakingly memorialised for the Ummah, for humanity, in the Hadith.

| truthaholics

Scholars that led revolutions |  Ahmed Hammuda | ISLAM21C | 3 Aug 2020

It has become almost impossible to come across those who claim adherence to Ahl al-Hadīth today who are actually so. You find those who claim to do so particularly submissive to their rulers, issuing legal verdicts (fatāwa) in their favour and prohibiting going against them even by mere speech. Some have gone to the extent of becoming informants against those who express opposition to their rulers, until they become imprisoned and castigated. The question is, was Ahl al-Hadīth of old on this methodology of praise and flattery towards their rulers, even if the latter were oppressive and depraved? Is it classically accepted and truly the case that our rulers are justified “even if they fornicate for half an hour live on television everyday” as one of these submissive people recently claimed?

The never-ending wonders…

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